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Our Second Project!

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It looks like there is big news for Students for Amani! We are very excited to announce that from August 2021 we will start to support a second project, Hilfe für rumänische Waisenkinder e. V. For more than 24 years, "Hilfe für rumänische Waisenkinder e. V." has been helping orphaned children in Romania.


Thanks to the support of the donors, the association built two care homes. Each house shelters 12 children providing them with a familiar environment where they can grow and receive all the support they need to develop. 

Our Contribution 

​We decided to support the project by donating €1500 per year to pay for one of the teachers helping the kids with their school works. Thus, ensuring that each kid receives the attention necessary to acquire all the skills and knowledge they will need to succeed. 

Why we chose this project

After celebrating 2 years of Students for Amani, we realised that it was time for us to grow and embark into a new adventure. We started to look into possible projects to support, and ultimately we decided to pick up a project in Europe to be able to visit the care home more easily. 


Moreover, three main factors convinced us that the project was right for us.

1. Our contribution would go entirely to the children

2. The focus of the project is to enable the children to become independent and pick up skills that will help them in their education and career

3. We can directly see the impact of our donations


This is only the first step of our growth, and we hope to support many other projects in the future! 

If you want to know more about our second project, visit our Projects section.


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IBAN: DE 8535 4611 0670 2489 7014

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