Yoga for a good cause

​​On June 26 we organised a yoga event in Zurich to promote physical and mental health and raise awareness for our projects. It was a chance to meet with some of our supporters in Switzerland. The event was a success thanks to our awesome teacher, Michèle. In total, we managed to raise €315, what an achievement! We would like to thank everyone who attended the event and donated to Students for Amani.
As Students for Amani will start to support its second project the money raised is extremely helpful to reach our goal of €1500 to pay for a teacher helping orphans in a care home in Romania. If you want to learn more about our second project visit our project section. The event was a success and it was a moment to share our goal for the future of the organisation and why it is important to support sustainable local projects that are an added value for the entire local community. We hope you enjoy it too and to be able to meet you in person again very soon!