The Jazz Festival in Moers

Every year, the Jazz Festival in Moers gathers music aficionados from all over the world. Next to this festival, a market for small local retailers is also put in place. From vintage clothing to wooden-made bottle openers, anyone can find something to buy there. During this year’s festival, which took place from 26-29 May, Students for Amani held a stand in the Jazz Festival market.
For this festival, we bought from the association Makungu (a project that we support since 2019) hand-made and fairly produced Kenyan products such as earrings, pencils cases, tote bags, pillow cases… with two main ideas in mind. First, to sell these products and collect money for Makungu but also for our second project Hilfe für Rumänische Waisenkinder. Second, to make ourselves known in the area where SfA was founded and make new connections with potential donors.
This was a very exciting event to take part in as it was our first of that kind. Having to engage with people during four days surely was a challenge. Fortunately, our lovely Events team had prepared everything during the weeks prior to the event and had made all the necessary arrangements for a smooth and delightful event. In total we raised nearly 1000E, mainly dedicated to Makungu and we had the pleasure to discuss with many residents of Moers and its surroundings. We will use the experience gained during this event to grow and ensure a perfect organisation for similar events in the future.
We’d like to thank again our Events Team: Elif, the team leader, and Anne-Sophie for coordinating the organisation of this event as well as Amber and Tommy for attending the Jazz Festival market. Special thanks go to Philipp, our co-chair, for being present during all four days of the event and taking care of transporting the tables, chairs and tent of our stand.
We are currently preparing many various events for the next few months so stay tuned! We are looking forward to meeting some of you during our next events!