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Check out our events!

We ocasionally organize Events in different
european cities. 
Check out our calender to not miss our upcoming event in your city!

Would you like to collaborate on one of your future events? Reach out to

Past Events



Moerster Herbst

Moers, Germany 


On 6 October, we joined one of our favorite events in Moers, the Moerser Herbst. We're happy to have met once again the people of Moers. Thanks to them we raised 288.50! They will be destined to the children we support in Kenya as well as for our administrative expenses. See you soon again in Moers!


Jazz Festival

Moers, Germany 


For the second year in a row, we attended the Jazz Festival in Moers, held from 17-20 May. This year, in addition to selling Kenyan hand-made products, we also sold delicious cakes cooked by ourselves. Thanks to the kind support of the people of Moers, we managed to raise 900€! 


It was lovely to meet so many nice people there and we are looking forward to meeting you on our next event!




Moers, Germany 


With the annual Glühweinkabarett in Moers we wrap up a wonderful year 2023!


It was a pleasure to meet new and old faces to celebrate the Christmas holidays together. You helped us collect a total of 770€!


A massive thank you to all the people who contributed to the growth of Students for Amani in 2023!


Moerster Herbst

Moers, Germany 


The Moerser Herbst happened on 1 October on a very sunny day. The festival offered relaxed shopping and plenty of delicious treats. Our stand was there to sell the best pancakes in town. We really enjoyed exchanging on our projects and organisation with you.


Thanks to all our Moerser donors we collected 280.28! They will be destined to the children we support in Kenya and Romania. See you soon again in Moers!


Moerser Schlossfest

Moers, Germany 


On 10 September, we attended the Moerser Schlossfest to sell our most delicious pancakes and waffles. The Schlossfest is an annual fair revolving around musical, culinary and cultural festivities.


It felt great to meet some of our supporters from Moers. Thanks to all of you we managed to raise 336.84€!  If you missed that event, no problem, we are regularly present at festivals in Moers!

Jazz Festival Moers SfA stand

Jazz Festival

Moers, Germany 


During the Jazz Festival in Moers, held from 26-29 May, we sold hand-made Kenyan products such as earrings and tote bags made by our partner association Makungu. Thanks to the effort of the entire team we managed to raise nearly 1000€! 


It was lovely to meet so many nice people there and we are looking forward to meeting you on our next event!


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Charity bake sale
Maastricht, The Netherlands 


On 1 November, we held a bake sale in front of the library in Maastricht. A pancake surely comes in handy during exam revision.


A big thank you to all the people who contributed to the success of this bake sale!

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Charity bake sale
Maastricht, The Netherlands 


On 16 June, we had another bake sale in Maastricht, Netherlands, to collect funds for Hilfe für Rumänische Waisenkinder. Good weather and a lot of friendly donors made our day perfect! A big thank you to Foodbank, who allowed us to sell our delicious muffins and waffles in front of their building. And obviously, we have to thank again all the donors who contributed!


Watch out for the next bake sale ;)

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Yoga Class

Maastricht, The Netherlands

On 11 June 2022, we organised a Yoga class to raise funds for our Romanian project.


Thank you to everyone who showed up and especially to our lovely yoga teacher Judith!


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International Education Day Debate Night             

Maastricht, The Netherlands

On 21 February 2021, we organised a debate night at the University of Maastricht in collaboration with UNICEF Students Team Maastricht (USTM) and the debate association Eloquentia. The defined prompt of the debate was "Refugee children should (not) be treated differently than their parents when illegally crossing borders".


This event was the second part of our threefold IED event. We would like to thank all the attendees who participated in this important and fruitful conversation! It was great to discuss this with all of you.


If you liked this event or if you would like to attend one of our future events, check out the calendar at the top of this page!


Bakesale at Dominicanen Bookstore 

Maastricht, The Netherlands


On 9 December 2021, we organised a charity bake sale at the Dominicanen Bookstore in Maastricht.


We would like to thank all the staff for making it possible! It was great to discuss about Students for Amani in such a special location.


Click here to read more about our 2021 Christmas Campaign and check out the recipe for our Apple Blondies.

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Charity bake sale

Maastricht, The Netherlands


On 18 November 2021, we organised a charity bake sale at the Inner City Library in Maastricht to raise funds for our new project in Romania. 


We would like to thank Maastricht University for making the event possible and all our supporters who helped us raise €342! 


It was great to meet all of you in person again and discuss with you our new project and our goals we hope you enjoyed the cakes we baked with so much love!

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Tropical Evening at Tapijnkazerne 

Maastricht, The Netherlands


On 31 August 2021, we held an event at Tapijnkazerne in Maastricht organised together with Philia Maastricht and O.H.D. Odysseus


The event was a great chance to enjoy some time together and talk about Students for Amani's mission and the new project we are supporting, Rümanische Waisenkinder e.V.


We are very glad to say that thanks to your support, we raised €370, which will be used to pay for a teacher for the 24 Orphaned children from Rümanische Waisenkinder e.V. and the children of the Makungu care home.


We hope you enjoyed it and to see you again very soon!

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Yoga class
Zürich, Switzerland

On June 26 we organised a yoga event in Zurich to promote physical and mental health and raise awareness for our projects. It was a chance to meet with some of our supporters in Switzerland. The event was a success thanks to our awesome teacher, Michèle. In total, we managed to raise €315, what an achievement! We would like to thank everyone who attended the event and donated to Students for Amani. 

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ASAH Summit

Online Event

On 28th May 2021 we were present at the ASAH summit to discuss the future of the African continent and our project.


It was great to discuss the future of Africa and how individuals and organizations can get involved and contribute to exciting developments. 


Click here to take a look at the short presentation video we prepared for the summit


Students for Amani Birthday Week 

Online Event


On 2 May 2021 Students for Amani celebrated its second anniversary and we decided to organise something special for this occasion. 


We organised a week filled with events, ranging from a Kenyan cooking class to a mindfulness session. 


Click on this link if you want to see the recipe for a delicious Kenyan dinner.


Online Guest Lecture on Female Genital Mutilation

Online Event


On 6 February, we celebrate the International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation. On this occasion, we hosted a collab lecture with UNICEF Student Team Maastricht and Feminists of Maastricht. We would like to say thank you to our amazing guest lecturers Phyllis Livaha, Eleonora Minelli and Dr. Lorena Sosa, who explored the current developments and future challenges. It was great to meet so many of our supporters there!



Live Session with Duet

Online Event


On Saturday 12 December 2020 our Co-Chair Anissa was invited for a live session with Düet CEO and founder Micheal Cesar. Similarly to Students for Amani, Düet aims at reducing donation wastes creating a transparent framework where smaller projects can have more visibility. 


Social-Distancing Quiz Night

Online Event


On 26 November 2020, we held a Zoom Quiz on Kenyan traditions and general knowledge to spend some time with our supporters. Although it was not the same as meeting you in real life it was great to see some of the people that are helping us in this journey!The winner received a lovely pair of Kenyan earrings. Congrats!


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