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Administrative costs
Predefined donation goal
Covering the administrative costs of Students for Amani e.V.
Coverage of expenses
Account maintenance fees, fundraising events, transaction costs, as well as marketing and website fees.
Annual costs
Administrative costs of the Students for Amani e.V. of about 600 € per year.
Each of the donations made will benefit 100% the project you have chosen. Students for Amani e.V. remains true to this principle in order to provide full transparency and does not retain any fees from the donations received.
Nevertheless, it is highly relevant for the sustainable growth of the association to be able to cover administrative costs in order to perform successful charitable work. Costs of about 600 € per year are incurred for administrative purposes. These costs include for example:​
payment-processing provider fee taken from every donation made through our website (covered such that 100% of the donation goes to the chosen project)
the annual website domain fee
travel costs
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